Table of Contents

 I  Background  1
   1.1  Objectives  1
   1.2 Relationship to Other Plans  3
 1.2.1 General Plan
   1.3 Area Description  3
 1.3.1 Summary of Important Characteristics
   1.4 Opportunities and Constraints  8
 II  Land Use Plan  10
   2.1 Objectives of the Land Use Plan  10
 III  Implementation  14
   3.1 Implementation  14
   3.2 Implementation Plan  14
 IV  Summary  16
   4.1 History  16
   4.2 Acknowledgements  17

 A  1997 Plan Development Process  19
   A.1 The Planning Process  19
   A.2 Key Development Issues  20
   A.3 Planning Philosophy  21
   A.4 The Resulting Plan  22
 B  Public Hearings  26
   B.1 Community Input  26
 C  Archeology Summary  
 D  Hydrology Summary  
 E  Maps  

Page numbers are from original plan and may not relate to revised copy.
























Prepared by the



September 2005





In October 1993, Paradise Hui Hanalike Corporation, the community association of Hawaiian Paradise Park, authorized its Community Action Committee to sponsor a community plan development seminar. The mission of this seminar was to create a vision and a map/plan of Hawaiian Paradise Park as a mature community. The reasons for this effort were many and important. In April and May of 2005, the HPPOA Board authorized the formation of a Master Plan Review Committee. The committee began meeting on June 1, 2005.

The subdivision of Hawaiian Paradise Park, located 15 miles southeast of Hilo, contains over 8,800 building lots and was established in the late 1950s. This subdivision fronts State Highway 130, stretches four miles to the Pacific Ocean, and is three and one-half miles wide. Approximately one and one-half miles of Highway 130 pass through the subdivision, beginning at its northwest border.

From its inception until March of 1997, there was no plan for this community other than the lot layout by the original developer. Prior to the adoption of the County General Plan in February 2005, the area was referred to in the County General Plan as an orchard. Its current designation is Rural with three medium-density urban expansion areas and two light industrial areas. In 1992 there were an estimated 2,600 homes in Hawaiian Paradise Park with over 6,000 residents. It was the fastest growing community on the island with at least 100 active building permits in effect on any given day. At the time of this revision, there are an estimated 3,424 homes in HPPOA with over 10,000 residents. It continues to be the fastest growing community on the island with 377 building permits issued in 2004. The potential population at maximum buildout for this community was over 30,000 with 1997 ohana housing regulations. The estimate in this revision remains the same.

The intent of the Community Action Committee in pursuing this planning effort was to create a plan for the future. It was not to encourage, but to contain development within areas that would be pedestrian oriented, much as historic village centers were. In 1997, special use permits were being applied for with no known plan to follow by the county or by the community residents. Currently, special use permits are being applied for and approved.

In 1997, the Corporation, through the Community Action Committee, established a goal and related specific objectives for the Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Master Plan as follows:


To develop a plan for a rural community with more than 8,000 residential homes. This plan will include small commercial enterprises, light industry, recreational opportunities, parks and schools in a functional, attractive and financially feasible rural agrarian environment. The community will also plan for appropriate shoreline uses, public facilities and infrastructure to be developed over 10 years.


Land Use: To develop a plan for an integrated community which by interim amendments shall be incorporated into the County General Plan. This Master Plan and County Community Development Plan will phase in the required infrastructure over time and provide for a mix of land uses in a functional, efficient and aesthetically pleasing style.

Roads: To develop improvement to existing roads which interconnect the various land uses within the community and accommodate all modes of travel.

Parks: To develop recreational facilities that meet the range of needs arising from 30,000 residents.


General Plan

The original purpose of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Master Plan was to serve as an implementation tool and guide for the next revision of the General Plan of the County of Hawai'i. It is the intention of this community, as represented by the HPPOA Board of Directors, that this revised Master Plan be adopted as an interim amendment to the Hawai'i County General Plan.

This Master Plan is intended as a guideline for future revisions of the County General Plan and should be used as a guide in making future land use decisions in HPP.


Summary of Important Characteristics

Project Area Location: See OBJECTIVES; 1.1, paragraph 2

Project Area Boundaries and Size: Area boundaries are those described as the Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision in Puna District stretching from State Highway 130 northeast to the shoreline.
Total area: Approximately 10,000 acres.

Climate: Tropical Climate with average annual rainfall of 160 inches, average annual temperature of 75 degrees. There are two significant climatic variations within the area:

Coastal Area: Generally hotter and dryer.

Lowlands: From 200 to 500 feet elevation is a little cooler with more rain.

Topography: Elevation ranges from sea level to 500 feet with average slopes from 0 to 10 percent.

Geology and Soils: Largely a'a and pahoehoe lava flows with an occasionally thin organic soil covering it.

Flora and Fauna: The subdivision supports a diverse collection of plants including a variety of grasses such as fountain grass, pili grass, heliotrope, aki'aki and honohono grass. Shrubs include the naupaka plant along the shoreline. There are wild orchids of which the bamboo orchid is the most plentiful. Hapu'u and aluhe ferns are in abundance and major trees are the mango, albezia, guava, ohia, ulu and hala.

Birds include wandering tattler, golden plover, ruddy turnstone and sanderling. The Hawaiian owl, pueo and the Hawaiian hawk as well as barn owls can be seen occasionally. Many other non-native birds are plentiful.

Invasive Species: Several alien species exist within the boundaries of the subdivision. Invasive species are plants and animals, introduced by humans to the Hawaiian Islands, that spread at an alarming rate, causing damage and posing a grave threat to Hawai'i's economy, environment, and the lifestyle of the people of Hawai'i.

The following is a list of 10 of the Least Wanted Invasive Species on the Big Island:
Kahili Ginger
Himalayan Raspberry
The Little Red Fire Ant
Coqui (Eleutherodactylus coqui) and Greenhouse Frogs
Banana Poka
Ivy Gourd
Plume Poppy

For further information regarding these and other alien species contact: Invasive Species Hotline: 961-3299, BIISC Headquarters: 974-4140, Or visit the Hawai'i Ecosystems at Risk(HEAR) website:'i/species


Groundwater Resources: Several wells have been drilled in the subdivision and the aquifer is just at sea level. The quantity of potable water that could be used has not been determined (see Appendix A).

Shoreline: The shoreline stretches approximately two miles from Kaloli Point to the southeast. The shoreline consists of rocky cliffs ranging from 6 to 25 feet in height. There are no sand beaches of safe water entry areas within the boundaries of Hawaiian Paradise Park.

Archaeological Resources: An attached report explains some ruins contained on 31 acres of Paradise Hui Hanalike lands. There are a few petroglyphs along the shoreline and there are several lava tubes containing burial sites within Hawaiian Paradise Park.

Visual Resources: Within the boundaries of the subdivision there are many areas where Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and the ocean may be viewed. The visual impression one gets when driving the main roads within the boundaries is that of tree-lined thoroughfares leading to the ocean with the exception of those areas already cleared where homes have been built.

Natural Hazards: HPP is located in USGS lava zone 3. There is the potential for lava flows from several vents. Coastal areas to an elevation 50 feet above mean sea level are considered susceptible to tsunami inundation.

Population: In 2004 the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision had approximately 9,572 residents. Best estimates for growth are approximately 10 percent per year with a maximum of approximately 30,000.

Existing Land Use: Most of the area is undeveloped 1 acre parcels zoned for agricultural use. There are orchards of guava, papaya, orchid farms and many small agricultural pursuits. There are several businesses/organizations such as nurseries, a veterinarian, churches and fruit stands within the boundaries. There remain many unpermitted businesses which include auto repair, bicycle repair, wrecking yard, safety inspection station, nursery supply, solar equipment supply, financial management, computer repair, trucking and heavy equipment yard. There are two undeveloped county parks equaling about 4 acres of property along the shoreline. There are approximately 3,424 existing homes in the subdivision.

Land Ownership: Of the nearly 10,000 acres of land in this area, nearly 9,000 acres are owned by 6,900 individual lot owners spread throughout the world. Many acres are taken up by roadways. Other owners of property are:

County of Hawai'i 8 acres
Watumull Properties 80

Land Use Regulations: State Land Use: 100 percent Agricultural
County General Plan: 100 percent Rural
County Zoning: 98 percent Ag 1 or Ag 20

Access and Transportation: From Hilo travel southwest on State Highway 11 then southeast on State Highway 130. All roads within Hawaiian Paradise Park are private subdivision roads, providing access to lots within the subdivision with one exception, that being Government Beach Road which is owned by the state but maintained by HPP.

Public Services: Police services are provided by the Hawai'i County Police Department from Kea'au or the police substation at Pahoa. Each is over 3 miles from the subdivision. The County Fire Department provides fire protection services through a fire station near the center of the subdivision.

School districts split the subdivision at Paradise Drive. Kea'au services those students on the northwest side of Paradise Drive and Pahoa services those students on the southeast side of Paradise Drive. High school students go to either Kea'au High School or Pahoa High School.

Hilo Medical Center, 22 miles distant, is the nearest hospital service.

All public services to this area need expansion.

Utilities: Electrical power and telephone service lines are already in place to the majority of lots. Cable service is becoming available to areas of greater population density. Nearly all current residents have catchment water systems on their property. All lots abutting Highway 130 have access to County water. The County waterlines extend down Paradise Drive to the fire station on 21st Avenue. Wastewater is disposed via cesspool and septic systems.


Significant development opportunities include the following:

Land ownership and deed restrictions make several 20-acre, one 31-acre and one 40-acre parcel available for education or recreation for either state schools or private educational institutions or private or public recreational organizations.

The location of the particular properties described in 1.4.1 and the close proximity of several other 20-acre parcels make a village center development concept feasible.

The need for many public and private services to the projected residents within this subdivision provides a ready-made market for a variety of small businesses.

The availability of a ready labor force within the boundaries of the subdivision also makes it attractive for light industrial applications.

The sustainable communities concept is perfect for this area because there is a need for services and the need for jobs within the area. The area is 15 miles from the majority of services and jobs and there is one bus route on Highway 130.

The archaeological site described earlier provides study opportunities for an educational institution and its development into an ethno-botanical park.

There are significant development constraints:

1. Development of the four privately owned 20-acre parcels makes any commercial opportunity in those areas impossible at the present due to lack of three-phase electric, county water, waste water, and sufficient roadways.

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The overall purpose of the Land Use Plan is to:

Provide a framework for the future growth and development of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision;
Provide a basis for coordinated public-private implementation of major infrastructure projects;
Provide a guide for infrastructure plans:
Provide a guide for State and County action on designating lands for rezoning:
To ensure that privately owned properties within HPP boundaries are compatibly zoned according to the HPP Master Plan.

The Land Use Plan is a document, tool and guide for the granting of permits and variances for both the County and the Community. Each lot is owned by individuals who purchased their properties with the intent of building residences and/or using their land for agricultural pursuits. There should be no deviation from this plan with regard to the installation of roadways or zoning other than that described in the plan. There are many services currently offered in Paradise Park that do not meet County requirements. Only those that do meet County requirements may be grandfathered in as they now exist. The Plan provides for any of these services to remain in Paradise Park in areas designated for mixed or light industrial use.

The major development theme that is a change to the plan of the original developer of the subdivision is the addition of mixed-use areas which may include light industrial and commercial development. It is central to the Plan that the rural theme of the original developer should be preserved. It is recommended that, as property is developed, a green border of approximately 10 feet be left along the side and back boundaries to provide habitat for birds and wildlife. It is further recommended that general landscaping preserve native plants such as the ohia tree.

These ideas are depicted in a map referred to as the Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Master Plan. It is included in this document as map number ______ (Land Use Plan). A larger version of this map showing more detail is appended to this document. This larger map will be the basis for the visual presentation of the Plan.

In the developer's original plan there were several 20-acre parcels set aside for commercial development although none have ever been zoned for that purpose. It is proposed in this Master Plan that three of those 20-acre parcels be designated as "Village Centers" and zoned for mixed use. The HPP community envisions each Village Center as a small neighborhood shopping and professional services center surrounding a village green. Typical commercial establishments would be small food stores, fruit and vegetable outlets, variety stores, hardware stores, small clothing stores, professional offices, small restaurants, branch banks. We encourage the development of residential walkup apartments of no more than two stories in height to meet the needs of the elderly or for families just starting out. The village greens could be used for entertainment or farmer's market type of activities as well as just a large green space for relaxation, lawn sports and recreation.

One 20-acre parcel on Kaloli and 14th Avenue should be zoned light industrial in order to permit that some type of auto repair or service outlet areas such as sheet metal shops or agriculturally-based products such as irrigation systems or greenhouse fabrication units can exist legally within the boundaries of the community. Also, the 46 one-acre lots that front 33rd Avenue between Maku'u and Paradise Drive should be re-designated light industrial to reflect the original 1995 Master Plan proposal with modifications.

Cottage industry that would not create extra traffic or nuisance to neighbors will be permissible throughout HPP.

Transportation System

HPP recommends a transportation system consisting of a shuttle service between the village centers, light industrial areas and recreation areas. HPP shall require access to main bus routes either through park and ride lot(s) or a shuttle service. The proposed park and ride lots and shuttle service shall be consistent with any future internal transportation system within HPP.

Roads and Highways

All lots developed shall exit onto the side roads. The only exception to entry on mauka to makai roads will be those properties that are landlocked.

If Route 130 or any other highway or roadway that abuts HPP is constructed or improved, the governmental entity under whose jurisdiction the roadway falls shall provide adequate protection against noise pollution, water runoff, and other unforeseen environmental hazards.

For emergency purposes only, traffic may flow through HPP on 15th Avenue. Both ends of 15th shall be gated. These protective barriers shall be constructed with the agreement and approval of the HPPOA Board of Directors. Only emergency personnel shall have the authorization and ability to open these gates.

Pedestrian Walkways and Bike Paths/Trails

HPPOA recognizes that pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths are key to keeping automobiles in the garage/carport and off the road when an easy walk or bike ride can get a person to essential services. Key to land use here is to keep people in Paradise Park from having to drive elsewhere to buy things that could very well be provided within its boundaries. HPPOA embraces the construction of pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths throughout the subdivision, especially Railroad Avenue.

Schools (Total of about 100 acres)

The Land Use Plan shows very specific locations for several schools. These areas would include a high school, a middle school and two elementary schools. All schools established after the adoption of the amended plan shall be located in lots designated as school areas

Parks and Recreation Areas (Total of about 60 acres)

There are two existing undeveloped county shoreline parks. In addition, there is one four-acre parcel set aside for the county at Kaloli Drive and 26th Avenue. A thirty-one-acre site adjacent to the Community Center is planned to be a park with special consideration given to any existing archeological sites. A 20-acre community park and recreational facility on Kaloli Drive and 15th Avenue may include a ball field, swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic areas, tot lots and related facilities.

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The Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Master Plan is based on an already existing County-approved subdivision and is focused on providing the existing and future residents services which are necessary to any community. This plan has set aside certain areas for development which require a change of zoning and additional infrastructure.

If the zoning is allowed in our subdivision for the proposed development, the developers of each village center or industrial area will be responsible for the financial support to carry out the development independent of the community.

The overall concept is similar to that of utilizing an Improvement District. All of the property targeted for development will be responsible for its share of the infrastructure cost before development is permitted.


A community-based planning effort can only be successful if the community is allowed to participate in the implementation of any plan approved by the County. This Master Plan has taken into account the population estimates for the next 25 years. The next step would be to organize a planning subcommittee of the Community Action Committee to plan in five-year increments. The subcommittee would interface with the County, State and surrounding large landowners to integrate plans for schools, highways, industrial areas, etc., which would affect the community within the next five years. This subcommittee would also prioritize projects and contact developers for targeted projects. Several goals in this implementation process would be:

Establish a process by which improvement of all the roads, including widening and paving, to be accomplished by the year 2010.
Pursue the establishment of an ordinance that would not allow second dwelling or ohana housing or the sale of condominiums in subdivisions where infrastructure has not been created to support it.
Pursue zoning changes that would allow mixed-use commercial and urban zoning in those areas designated as village centers and light industrial.
Pursue establishing a water system using private water system companies.
Establish transportation routes for a shuttle service between village centers, schools, recreation and light industrial areas with connecting points to public transportation.
Contact lot owners for dedication of property and easements for pedestrian and bike routes and establish bikeways and pedestrian paths where easements will be available.
Recommendation by the County Planning Director to the County Council for adoption of the Plan into the County General Plan.
Adoption by the County Council of the Plan into the County General Plan by ordinance.

The planning subcommittee will also organize and implement a public information participation process that will include articles in the community newsletter, new releases, periodic public information meetings, informal meetings, special interest groups and formal public hearings as may be required.

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Hawaiian Paradise Park had its origin in the 1950s as a result of a collaboration of business interests. The developers, David Watumull and his partners had, as their goal, the perfectly legitimate objective of making money. If one may go back in time, back 40 years to an era when the entire country was consumed by the development of its resources, perhaps it is easier to understand the forces that created what is now erroneously referred to as a "substandard subdivision."

This was an era when environmental concerns had yet to be raised; an era when the boundaries of cities and towns were pushed outward without regard for infrastructure; an era when each person was anxious to pursue their individual dreams in a land of unlimited promise. In this atmosphere, it is not surprising that the approval of such subdivisions had less to do with common sense and more to do with the enthusiasm of the day.

The 15-year period from the late 50s to the early 70s found the emphasis on lot sales. There was virtually no thought about or interest in roads, water, services or any of the other amenities that most developing communities take for granted.

From 1972 until 1989, turbulence ruled Paradise Park. The few residents and local lot owners began to understand that if they were ever to realize the potential of their new home, the developer had to give over to these interested parties some measure of control. Thus was born "Paradise Hui Hanalike," the voluntary owners association and the "Road Maintenance Committee," a semi-autonomous committee. The controversy between these two groups became the central issue rather than the problems that they had been formed to solve. They sued the developer, some individuals and ultimately, each other. The result was a 1989 Supreme Court ruling, the infamous civil 6595, under which the organizations toil today.

During this legal wrangling, which included the paving of the main roads, the ceding of some property to the owners association and additional land set aside for commercial development, many lot owners and residents became very dismayed with the entire process. The time and money spent on those problems was money not spent for the maintenance of the roads and other community improvements.

The past eight years have been equally difficult. The 1989 court decision settled very little and guaranteed continued strife. The community leaders have done their best under the circumstances and the proposed master plan, begun three and one-half years ago, is an example of how, in spite of the obstacles that are no fault of the existing lot owners, residents and elected leadership can pull together for the community well-being.

The various interests in Hawaiian Paradise Park have recently come together, set aside old biases and attacked the problems with a renewed enthusiasm. A reorganization plan, proposed to the court, is expected to be voted on by the lot owners soon. The HPP Community Master Plan, if adopted, will be a major step towards the maturation of the community.


For the past three and one-half years, the Community Action Committee of Paradise Hui Hanalike has pursued approval by Hawai'i County of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Master Plan. The Community Action Committee, under Chairman Brooks Maloof, sponsored the design charrette process.

Dedicated participants in that exhausting process were Jeannie and Jeff Rivera, John Luchau, Christine Wolf, Peter Morton, Denise Smith, Don Pascual, Gary Jung, Cyndie Greenlaw, Jherrie Rubeyiat, Christopher Lichty, Victoria Tenbrink, Bill Collard, Craig Allen, Mitsi Lau, Richard Lain and Jerry Miller. John Luchau led the presentation of five monthly informational meetings to the community which entailed coordinating guests and speakers to participate. These meetings were invaluable in assessing the public's input and resulted in several improvements to the Plan.

Professional planners who volunteered their time were Michael Riehms, Bruce Owensby, Virginia Goldstein, Roy Takemoto and Sonja Juvik. Bonnie Goodell and Ginny Aste of Community Management Associates participated and continued their involvement for several months after the design charrettes to encourage the community to push forward with the Plan.

Facilitators in the charrette process were Barbara Bell, Merry Blechta, Diane Bucato-Thomas, Gail Clarke, Diane Gentry, Lori Pasco and Dr. Robert Lambe.

A particular thank you is due to Bill Moore. A former planner with the County Planning Department, Mr. Moore, currently in private practice, has been invaluable in providing ongoing advice over the past two years.

The individual deserving of the most recognition is John Luchau. Mr. Luchau has been involved in the Plan from the very first meeting until the very last. His contributions cannot be measured.

The community owes a debt of gratitude to all of the participants named above. However, an even greater debt is owned to all of those individuals over the past few years who have been critical of the Plan and; therefore, ultimately were responsible for the result.

Participants in the 2005 updating and revision of the 1997 Master Plan were Chairperson Barbara Kahn-Langer, Bobbie Alicen, Frank Annin, Erhard Carl Autrata, JoAnne Backman, Skip Bethea, Shepherd Bliss, Leslie M. Estep, John Gapp, John Luchau, Mary Marvin Porter, Wally Tavares, Sherrill Watson, Linden Whitfield, Louise Wisechild, Christie Wolf, Verne Wool.

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The planning process for the Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Master Plan was shaped by a number of major themes and concerns. These themes and concerns may be summarized as follows:

Major population growth in this area is taking place and will continue to increase.

The county and the community have a unique opportunity to guide the density, character and quality of this future growth.

Land use plans for this area should be specific enough to provide a framework and a guideline for infrastructure planning, yet broad enough to allow for maximum property owner and market flexibility.

Environmental considerations for the rural nature of the area should be an integral part of the planning process.

The plan should be developed in consultation with state and county agencies, property owners, community leaders and the general public.

The product should be a Land Use Plan and Limited Infrastructure Plan for the further development of this subdivision.

The Community Action Committee of Paradise Hui Hanalike Corporation has developed this plan in accordance with these themes. Thus, the planning process has included:

Inventory and analysis of the major natural and cultural diversities of the area;
Identification and discussion of development issues;
Six monthly public informational meetings with residents and property owners, briefings to County agencies, briefings to Council members, meetings with various community groups and extensive review and discussion with community and County personnel.
A series of land use concept plans developed and revised in response to new facts, meetings and discussions and input from community people.
These concept plans culminated in the development of the pictured land use and subdivision plan and was finalized in February 1997.

The Corporation believes that this kind of open community-based planning process will facilitate the approval of this Community Master Plan by the County Council and eventual inclusion into the County General Plan.


In October 1993, it was decided that a Community Master Plan was needed to meet the challenge of a growing subdivision. In January of 1994, four and one-half days were devoted to planning workshops which included 30 participant residents of the community, special guest instructors and trained community facilitators (listed in the summary).

Through these workshop days and the many presentations of The Plan to the community, the Community Action Committee identified development issues that follow:

Growth Rate: What can be the realistic growth potential at maximum buildout?
Infrastructure Needs: What infrastructure do the residents want to include in planning for this maximum buildout?
Slowing Growth Rate: Is it possible to slow the growth rate and limit building in certain areas and circumstances?
Quality of Life: What do we value about this area and what do we want to retain?
Rural Flavor: How do we retain a rural flavor when each one or one-half acre lot has the potential for more than one home?
Visual and Aesthetic Concerns: Green space and views are a major component of the "quality of life" in this area. Any development, including that authorized by the subdivision, will have a major impact on visual quality. How do we preserve this visual resource to the fullest extent possible?
Shoreline: How do we preserve the current shoreline views with the current zoning and building permit processes in place which allow two residences per lot?
Development: Once the door is open for development, how can we limit what comes into our subdivision?
Location of Services: Where will we put public and private services in Hawaiian Paradise Park?
Schools: Where can we put schools? How many and what type?
Roads: Where will the access to other communities be? Where will the paved roads be within the subdivision?
Plan Implementation: The Hawaiian Paradise Park Community Master Plan should be a flexible guide for the future growth and development of the area. The "Land Use Plan" and "Infrastructure Plans" will be conceptual in nature. Developers of those "village centers," in cooperation with the Corporation, would be responsible for detailed plans for each village center.


The planning workshops in January 1994 began with a vision that imagined what an ideal community would look like in the future if there were no restrictions. Many ideas were formed from that initial phase and one of the later steps was to fit all those ideas into our community. We were fortunate to have several properties set aside for specific purposes when the area was first subdivided in the mid 1950s. Through the workshops and the many meetings held with the community concerning the Plan, a basic philosophy and a running theme were apparent. The community wants to retain much of its rural atmosphere and maintain its green space. It wasn't to add only those services that make it a sustainable community. The community wants to be less dependent on Hilo and motor vehicles that carry residents to Hilo. Key points of this philosophy and theme are:

The community wants to retain its rural atmosphere.
The community wants to retain its green space as much as possible.
Many residents are very sensitive to environmental, health and conservationist concerns.
The community does not support the concept of multiple dwellings on a single building lot. Therefore, a strategy of building restriction needs to be sought.
The community does not want big development. They do not want condominiums or resorts.
The residents want to build a sustainable community where public and private services and jobs are available.
The community wants village centers where public services and private sector jobs are available. The transportation system should include a pedestrian, bicycle and electric vehicle friendly trail and roadway system.
The community wants a residential area within the village center where seniors can reside within easy reach of services without the use of automobiles.
The community wants a shuttle service between small village centers, school and recreational areas and a connection with whatever mass transit system is developed linking other areas, such as Hilo, Kea'au or Pahoa.


The evolution of the Plan began during the Community Action Committee of Paradise Hui Hanalike meeting in October of 1993 which resulted in workshops held in January 1994. Participants in the workshops were solicited through advertisements in the local newspaper and by word of mouth. No individual was turned away whether they were home owners, lot owners, renters, or even from other communities. There was no requirement for membership in any organization. These workshops produced a consensus agreement on a basic map and the concept of a plan. Further Community Action Committee meetings resulted in a strategy for presenting the map and the plan concept to the community and county officials for approval by the County Council. There was one "kickoff" presentation, attended by over 160 persons and five monthly presentations and briefings sponsored by the Community Action Committee where input was gathered. These public meetings were followed by one meeting sponsored by the Planning Department of the County. In early 1996, the Community Action Committee held two meetings at which changes were made to accommodate the desire of the community. The changes to the initial concept map are as follows:

The shoreline extended park area stretching the full length of the subdivision's shoreline has been deleted and will remain zoned agricultural. The reason for this change is the history of this area and the hard-fought court battle between current residents of that area and the county to allow building. Prior to its current Ag zoning, it was zoned conservation which did not allow for residences to be built. It is possible that through dedication of lands through gifts to Paradise Hui Hanalike that it may become a park but our plan should not be tied to that premise.

The light industrial area indicated on previous drawings has decreased in size from 175 acres to 20 acres and moved from near Highway 130 to a parcel owned now by the original developer and located two miles northeast of the intersection of Highway 130 and Kaloli Drive on Kaloli Drive and 14th Avenue. The reason for this change is that it would not change zoning in an area that has already 75 homes and that it would remove it from a strip along the highway to prevent strip development. It would also prevent a dispute between any developer and the county because the county has consistently fought development along major highways. This change also brings it more to the center of the subdivision, providing easier access by residents and connects it to one of the stops on our proposed shuttle route. These previous advantages outweigh major disadvantages of not being on a highway and therefore users must transit via a private road and that there is currently no county water distributed to the site. The size decrease is a plus to those who want no light industrial area at all but a disadvantage to a larger commercial enterprise who may employ some of our residents.

The initial map and concept included residential zoning on many lots surrounding village centers and in ever increasing circles, larger lots up to 3-acre agricultural lots. This concept would have decreased the possibility of population growth to 60,000 (each of the nearly 9,000 lots has an ohana house) by increasing the size of agricultural lots in the majority of the subdivision. It also would have insured more green space with the idea that most of the larger 3 acre lots would have been landscaped or be orchard crops. This was to be accomplished by a concept of "transfer of development rights." This concept, although it may work, is not currently legal in Hawai'i and was not understood by the majority of participants in our presentation meetings of the plan. Therefore, all existing Ag 1 lots that surround the village centers will remain Ag 1 lots and there will be no expansion to Ag 3 lots. The concept of limiting our growth potential needs to be addressed by an effort to convince the state and county officials that ohana housing is a fine idea where infrastructure can support it but in Puna where there are so many areas where there is no infrastructure, it can only cause severe problems. We also encourage the county to provide incentives to combine parcels; if a lot owner acquires an adjacent property, the two properties could be combined to make one tax map key property, thereby decreasing real property taxes. The Paradise Hui Hanalike Corporation can also provide an incentive by charging only one road maintenance fee for a combined property where there is only one residence. With cooperation we can limit the growth potential to 30,000.

The current plan drawing does not include all bicycle trails and pedestrian walkways only because at this time there are no easement rights over individual properties to connect any of the village centers with roads running parallel to the avenues on the drawing. The concept of bicycle paths and pedestrian walkways remains integral to this plan so that residents may walk or bike to and from services within a few minutes. We have pictured major trails on Railroad Avenue and on the borders of the subdivision.

These adjustments to the initial map and concept are a result of being responsive and sensitive to community input. When viewed in their entirety, the changes remain generally consistent with the original direction laid out by the original participants of the workshops of January 1994.

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The Corporation recognized from the beginning that the input of all interested persons was crucial. Although participants from the community initially created the first draft of the map and concept plan, it was decided early that the community as stakeholders in their environment, must have an opportunity to input to the plan. We also determined that six meetings and contact with local groups was necessary to get the maximum number of persons into the process.

The first public meeting was the best attended and was held May 10, 1994. At that meeting were 168 attendees of whom 153 actually signed in. Of the 100 evaluation forms distributed, 59 were returned. The results were:


The evaluation forms also contained seven questions requiring a written response from the attendees. These responses were invaluable to assisting the committee to evaluate the general attitude of the public. Several changes were made as a result of numerous comments on the same topic.


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