The underdeveloped state of ground water resources of this hydrologic area means that competition of other owners is almost non-existent. The few wells owned by the county and private owners pump only a small fraction of the available water. The most recent wells scattered through the subdivision have revealed valuable data on the nature of the fresh lens in this area.

Design Considerations

Placement of wells would be less critical at this time than when many wells are already in use in the Puna District, except for the fact that the area is unsewered. Department of Health regulations do not permit drinking water wells to located within 1000 feet of cesspools or injection well for waste disposal. The concern is for the contamination of potable water from the infiltration of effluent carrying bacteria, viruses, and chemicals into the water table. Although the lava formations have a certain capacity for natural filtration of the water, the documented cases of contamination of well by coliform bacteria of presumptive fecal origin, although relatively few in Hawaii, are sufficient to warrant observation of maximum efforts to protect the water supply from contamination. As a rule, prevention is better than the cure especially when applied to ground water.

The number of wells required to meet the needs of the community depend upon the water use. At the present time the area is developed primarily along the coast, along the highway, and along the major paved roads leading to the shoreline properties. Although some lots are devoted to small nurseries and small orchards, the developed lots are largely occupied by single family homes. If the pattern does not change in the future, the projected water use at full development may be estimated. For ease of computation, assume 6000 units of single family housing each with an average of 4 persons with a daily percapita use of 150 gallons. Average daily use would be 3.6 million gallon a day. In order to meet, requirements of fire flow, maximum day, and standby requirements, the system would have to have an installed pumping capacity of 8.2 mgd (5700 gallons per minute) to meet county subdivision water system standards. Not to design to water system standards is the option of a privately owned system. Many systems have capacities only 1.5 times the daily average.

In this report, a generalized total system design is discussed as an overview of the large elements required fordetailed planning and design. A discussion on an initial startup  phase to service the sections closest to the well(s) then follows with details of estimated costs. Actual costs will differ depending upon many external factors such as cost of money, cost for labor and materials, changes in water system regulations and whether land can be exchanged for location of wells and reservoirs.
A first cut at a total system design would four wells of 1 mgd capacity each operating an average of 21 hours would meet daily requirements. Reservoir capacity of 3 million gallons is sufficient to meet morning and evening peak loads when short time demand of two to three hours will, require nearly 5 mgd plus having a reserve storage. During dry weather when water use increases for irrigation increases, standby wells can be used. In practice, no well is operated only for standby and the wells are operated n a rotational basis. With this design, no more than 6 wells are required, two of which are designated standby.

Location of Wells

Locations meetings the 1000-ft. requirement of the Department of Health means that only large parcels can be utilized for the construction of wells serving drinking water. The 40 acre parcels owned by Paradise Hui Hanalike become logical choices as most nearly fitting the above requirement; parcel trading may be required. Two are located north of Makuu Drive. The parcel between Lai and Kaaahi avenues is considered superior based on water quality considerations. The 30 acre parcel across Kaaahi is considered equally good. Three wells of less than 200 depth with 12 inch casings should be constructed. Recommended well spacing is 100 feet. The wells, pumps and control building will occupy approximately 25,000 square feet of land. Although a storage reservoir can be constructed on site with the inclusion of more land, another location at a higher elevation offers morefavorable system pressures.

The 20 acre parcel south of Kaloli Drive and between Okika Avenue and Olena Avenue is recommended as the second site for a well field. Ground elevation is approximately Parcel trading may be required to meet DOH requirements of space. Three 12-inch wells of approximately 310' depth are required. A portion of water from this well field is designed to service the higher elevations of the subdivision.

Storage Reservoir Locations

Reservoirs can be planned to maximize benefits to existing and planned residences along the shoreline that are two story structures for tsunami protection and/or because of individual design preferences. This design pressure will also permit more water to flow through a given pipe. Purchase or trade of a lot should provide ample room for multiple reservoirs. The reservoirs not only provide storage but gravity flow to all residences below and fluctuation of system pressure of less than a pound.

The assumption made in this report is that the system would be independent of the county system. If land could be acquired across the highway with the required elevation, the systems would be compatible; The lower tier of storage should have a spillway elevation of 280' in order to adequately service the second floor of beachfront homes. Since the Hui does not own property at the ground elevation of 260', acquisition of land would be required. Water would be pumped from the well field on Makuu Drive. Overflow from another reservoir located at the Kaloli well field would also fill this system.

An intermediate tier of storage is optional at higher cost by enlarging the small reservoir used for boosting water at the Kaloli well field. This would be desirable only a "temporary" basis during the time when two separate systems might exist because of an incremental plan for construction. With suitably placed pressure reducing valves, the system could be made compatible with the main 280' system.

The last tier of reservoirs should be located near the highway. Because the highest elevation is about 490', the system would service homes down to elevation 220' or about a third of the subdivision. Since only water required for this service should be pumped, a small reservoir and booster system should be installed at the upper well field. The remaining two-thirds of the development will be serviced from the main system at 280'.

Steel tanks or porcelainized steel tanks are more economical than concrete structures. With coating inspection and maintenance, steel tanks give good service. The porcelainized design is a non-weld, standard tool assembled structure, and a great saver of labor and time.

A number of options are available to design the distribution system in addition to the main service systems of 490 ' and 280' particularly near the upper well field with an elevation of approximately 275. Since gravity feed of services is the desired objective, lines for inlet and outlet are separate. By-pass combinations for meeting peak loads or unusual loads are possible so that service can be taken from the inlet while filling the reservoir.


Use of approved plastic pipe for the mains and distribution system is more economical than metal pipe. Although plastic is unsuitable, however, for grounding electric circuits, it has additional advantages of light weight, low friction losses ·for water flow, and longevity owing to an extremely high resistance to corrosion by either water or soils.

Since no single main must carry the total load, pipe size is reduced considerably. The largest line would connect to mains going down the main arterials to the shoreline. 1f only homes are serviced, then the crosemain can be reduced to 4". Service laterals can be 1" or smaller through water meters to monitor use and for billing purposes.

An Incremental design

Design of an incremental system should always keep in mind the total system design. Proper planning requires that the wells be large enough to accommodate larger pumps at the appropriate times because this incremental cost is the least of the critical elements. Pump capacities can be upgraded as required. Larger mains can be added parallel to the existing lines. Larger power transformers can be also added. Reservoirs can be added for additional storage capacity.

A starter water system requires a source of preferably two wells for standby purposes, the pumps and controllers, a reservoir and booster pumps. The booster pump is to provid pressure and water to elevations above the well station until such time the total system is implemented for total gravity flow. Service below the well station reservoir would be served by gravity. As many second tier mains along the avenues would be constructed as permitted by existing capacity. Separate systems can be designed for the Kaloli Drive area and for the Makuu Drive area and integrated in.the future.


Rather than develop costs that may not be meaningful over the time for full implementation of the Total System, the emphasis is on the near future and the starter system since the desire is for water in this time frame. Pumps and pipelines can be downsized. Hydropneumatic systems can be substituted for reservoirs to a limited capacity. Planning and engineering costs are not included and would add at least 10 percent.


Makuu Well Station 
 Item  Estimated Cost

 A. Gravity system only below station
 1. Two 12-inch wells  $190,000
 2. Two 350 gpm pumps and controls  80,000
 3. Control building  15,000
 4. 8" Mains 2 miles  600,000
 5. 4" Lateral, 5 miles  400,000
 6. 100,000 gallon reservoir  100,000
   TOTAL $1,385,000

 b. Additional reservoir system
 1. 100,000 gallon reservoir  100,000
 2. Booster pump and controls  25,000
 3. 8" connecting main 2000'  80,000
   TOTAL 205,000

 Kaloli Station-as above plus incremental costs below
 1. Two 12-inch wells (Additional cost for greater depth)  90,000
 2. Additional cost of greater horsepower pumps  20,000
   TOTAL 100,000

The estimated cost of the Makuu system is $1,385,000 with an additional $205,000 for an extended service gravity system. The cost estimate for the Kaloli system is $1,485,000 plus $205,000for an extended gravity system (extended service pipelines not included).




A barebones design to service only a limited immediate area would require only a single starter well, a small tank of at least 20,000 gallons capacity with a booster/hydropneumatic system depending on service area, and the necessary 4 " lines and laterals. This system would supply at least 125 homes each with 4 persons using an total daily average of 600 gallons. A limited peaking capacity would be available. With the high rainfall of this area, the more likely average daily home use would be less than half of the above and would extend availability to 250 homes.

 Makuu System
 1. 12" well  $ 95,000
 2. 100 gpm pump and controls  15,000
 3. 20,000 gallon tank  15,000
 4. 4" mains, meter and laterals 3 miles  330,000
   TOTAL $455,000

 Kaloli System
 1. Extra well depth  45,000
 2. Larger pump motor  1,000
 For the equivalent Kaloli system, the added cost is estimated at $46,000 for a total of $501,000.



The luxury or capability of having a reliable clean source of water at all times with activation of a faucet is difficult to place a value upon. Value judgements will differ. The rugged individualist content with catchment will place a low value compared to the high value placed by a recently arrived urbanite. In-between are those willing truck in water or fills containers at the highway when dry years occur. Cost of the distribution system can be readily seen to be one of the highest costs. The large area of the development and large lot sizes require more pipeline than denser developments by a factor of at least 2.

Because of the present small population, A test of the simplest of the bare bones systems should be made to test feasibility.

  Yearly Expenses
 1. Cost of Money 8% on $450,000 amortized over 25 years


 2. Power cost of 8 kwh plus demand charges


 3. Overhead including labor for maintenance, meter reading, supplies, yearly water analysis, and billing


 4. Replacement fund for pumps



 Total $54,000


 Yearly Income

Full capacity of system is 125,000 gallon/day
 1. Water Sales of 100,000 gallons/day (37,500,000 gallons total or 37,550 K gallons $1.50/1000 gallons)


 2. Service Charge on 200 meters $4/month/meter



 Total $57,350

The above example indicates the system barely breaks even. Simply increasing the costs of water consumed and service charges results in less competitiveness with the county system which operates primarily on recovery of operational expenses because the primary lnfra.ucture is funded by state grants. If bank financing cannot be obtained, then a subscription system can be devised for initial funding by those living near enough to tie into the barebones system. If 225 residents would subscribe $2000 each to fund the system, the system can be constructed.

Alternatively, or in conjunction with, in-kind trades of real estate or term payments for services like well drilling and pump installation, professional services, and perhaps the pipes and pipe laying can be arranged. These are possible avenues to explore if the Hul wants to retain control and ownership of the systems.

The presently large number of undeveloped lots may discourage the would be investors that are interested in quick returns. Only an extremely rapid increase of new homes would encourage their participation at this time. Installation of a system, however, would cluster new development around the system of the kind that would attract developers. As the service base increases, service to adjacent areas can be extended incrementally.

If in-kind financing can be arranged for the well, water could be made available to the surrounding area at the cost of a pump, controls, and a tank. Extending service beyond several thousand feet becomes more costly owing to larger pipes. A charge of $2000 for water development and hookup to the system could be collected to fund the limited piping system. Fifty subscribers would be sufficient to generate capital for funding this type of system. Once a water system is constructed, rapid expansion may occur, especially on the undeveloped lots on the system.


Feasibility of developing a water system based on wells has been clearly established. The many alternatives discussed in this report are developed for comparison purposes only, and more complete study to obtain detailed costs must be made. Relative standings should not change.

For economic, water quality and system pressure considerations, it recommended that well fields be developed only on Hui property located on Kaloll Drive between Olena and Okika avenues and on Makuu Drive between Kelani and Lai avenues. For the fully implemented design for the development, three wells each of 1 mgd capacity per site are sufficient to design for maximum day, daily peaks, and firef low requirements for complete development of Hawaiian Paradise Park. The Kaloli well field will provide a service interconnect with a Makuu 280 reservoir to provide service from 240' elevation to the shoreline. From the Makuu reservoir, water will be boosted to another reservoir at elevation 490' to provide service from 470' elevation to 240'. Cost estimates of such a system were not attempted due to obsolescence of unit cost estimates before the many years required for completion.

For barebones Hui owned systems based on limited service area and funding, it is recommended that in-kind financing be explored as the least capital intensive for well drilling, professional services, and the pipeline. Such financing will permit startup of a system consisting of one well with pump for approximately $15,000. Subscription to the system by 25 homes at the cost of $2000 each can pay for a minimal basic distribution system and a storage tank-booster pump. Service can be immediately extended to surrounding homes. The service area of the well will be determined by the number of homes subscribing. Those too far off the system will have wait for extension of the system. A rapid increase may follow in the rate of development that can be used to fund progressive upgrading and expansion of the system. Such systems can be constructed around the Makuu and Kaloli wells using them as the nucleus and ultimately integrating them into a complete system.

Startup of the next larger system that would service 'a much larger area area requires a much larger investment and is not recommended at this time. If the barebones projects develop sufficient interest to justify the large scale expansion and upgrading, then the one million dollar financing of two well fields, 3 reservoir sites and distribution system can 'be sought. The nucleus effect of these systems will promote more rapid expansion


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